Sunday, November 29, 2015

TV series Scream Queens impresses

I am not one for binge watching TV series until the crack of dawn. I am not part the cults of Glee fanatics, Grey’s Anatomy enthusiasts, or Gossip Girl addicts. Therefore, it could not be more perplexing to why I have become so enthralled with the newest FOX series Scream Queens. FOX’s black comedy is chalk full with prestigious actors and actresses such as Emma Roberts, Nick Jonas, and Abigail Breslin. Perhaps the casting adds to the appeal of the series, as girls like me still cling to our 4th grade love for the Jonas Brothers. Secondly, Scream Queens might be cherished so much because it hits the nail on the 21st century film trend of horror movies. Millennials adore a quality graphic, grotesque, and nail biting film that they can watch in the company of a chipolte burrito. Maybe it’s because most of us live such “plush” lives that we crave excitement, but never the less horror movies are trending and most importantly to producers, they’re profiting. Yet, Scream Queens is especially appealing because in addition to resembling a horror movie, it’s a comedy. It pokes fun at 1st world trends such as lattes, designer fashion, and the obsession of being skinny. Although the humor persists on being dark, it’s hilarious to anyone who can take a joke and not get stuck up on the details. Thirdly, the situation could not be more relatable. The site of the murders is at a college campus, somewhere most of us will be bound in the next three years. This makes the series more relatable thus more eerie, knowing that although it is all fiction it’s still a possibility. The same way the Kardashians drag in viewers is the same way TV series such as Scream Queens attracts viewers; producing something shocking or alarming. Though creating a sex tape and poking fun of eating disorders and murder are not exactly the same thing, they’re both intriguing and interesting to viewers. By using the “Kardashian tactic”, Scream Queens has gained praise and a ever growing cult of followers who lust for the weekly episode and Instagram updates on the cast. As said before, I’m no TV show fanatic, but I recently started paying $8 a month for a Hulu subscription just so I could watch Scream Queens at one in the morning. Is this alarming? Am I crossing to the dark side of one AM TV binging? My answer is “no comment”. Scream Queens is captivating with it’s relatable humor and horror so you can’t really blame someone for having dark circles around their eyes on Thursday morning after the Wednesday episode, can you?